Collating digital imaging tools and resources for Australian researchers
About ImagingTools
Helping researchers find and access digital characterisation resources, including online environments, computing facilities, data, training and events
What we do:
Deploying federated CVL desktop environment
Deploying web-based tools and software
Helping researchers use informatics tools
Improving interoperability
Building Community
Integrating instruments
Training researchers
Building sustainability through direct engagement with Institutions
This is a platform for researchers, research organisations, government agencies (state and commonwealth) and infrastructure providers who have a need to manage and analyse characterisation data.
ImagingTools is an initiative of the ACCS
The Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale (ACCS) Project is supported by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC).
ACCS develops a coherent and accessible informatics landscape that promotes collaboration, increases ROI, and delivers value to researchers.
ACCS deploys a Characterisation Commons for thousands of researchers who use characterisation techniques, facility scientists who run instruments, and researchers using imaging collections, and will uplift the research capability offered to industry.
To enable sustainability we will build strong links between institutions and our services.
The CC will underpin techniques including electron (EM) and light microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroencephalography (EEG), positron emission tomography (PET), X-ray CT, nuclear and synchrotron techniques, cytometry, secondary-ion mass spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, scattering techniques, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). We will undertake 3 specialised programs that combined bridge the resolution gap from macrostructural to the atomic level.
Big Data Electron and Correlative Microscopy
Big Data Electron and Correlative Microscopy from Instrument to Publication addresses the challenges generated by new EM and light techniques. This includes cryo-electron microscopy (CryoEM) which is becoming broadly available across Australia, and new material techniques.
Biomedical Imaging Collections and Analysis
Biomedical Imaging Collections and Analysis addresses the collections-based research being undertaken across the fleet of Australian imaging instruments, including those across the National Imaging Facility (NIF), medical research institutes and clinical sites.
National Tools for Scattering and Beyond
National Tools for Scattering and Beyond will integrate environments for scattering data such as that obtained at ANSTO and will be broadly applied to other techniques including NMR or drug discovery.
ImagingTools is an initiative of the Australian Characterisation Commons at Scale (ACCS) Project. ACCS is supported by the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC).
The ARDC is enabled by NCRIS.